Apr 25, 2018

As you know, Google confirmed a "broad core algorithm" update that started a week ago Monday. But that update seems to have not died down since it started over a week ago, almost ten days ago.
It is unclear if the continued fluctuations and volatility are from the confirmed Monday core Google algorithm update or something new, but the chatter and tools are still heavy with changes.
Here is some of the updated chatter recently in the ongoing WebmasterWorld forums:
In the past hour, some of the high traffic keywords we saw gains for have started to dial back.
I've actually been noticing a slight increase in Google traffic over the past hour. Might be unrelated. I don't know anything anymore.
When comparing today to last Monday I see a definite "crossing" at 3am (EDT), where my weak weekend traffic seems to have returned to normal levels and possibly a slight increase. It is too early to tell for the increase as I haven't reached my peak traffic yet. Fingers crossed.
Google traffic is still going strong today, and even a bit better than last week. AdSense is also doing better than it has all year.
We're still seeing so much movement. SERPs changing by the hour. Crazy. UK, Automotive
We're seeing totally different traffic patterns this morning. Not a roll-back.
Could be the "completion" or of the broad core update from last Monday (2018-04-16)
IT seems like Google has several sets of results. So what seems like an update just might be a different set of results being delivered. And in the meantime, it is constantly updating its core.
The chatter goes on and on but here are some of the tools, most still showing considerable volatility:
Cognitive SEO:


SERP Metrics:




Advanced Web Rankings:s